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Adamari López and Toni Costa clear all rumors, putting their unwavering love on display

After almost a decade of love, the Puerto Rican TV host and the Spanish choreographer pose for the first time on our digital cover like never before in a romantic photo shoot


Adamari López and Toni Costa are closing in on year 10 of their relationship, making them one of the most stable couples in the industry. During this time, they have shared some of their happiest moments, in the company of their 5-year-old daughter Alaïa, and have struggled with different situations, typical of any family.

As public figures, they are not exempt from criticism. Recently, some rumors spread about possible relationship troubles between the Puerto Rican host and the Spanish dancer; comments totally false from reality.

The truth is that the chemistry between them was naturally reflected during every moment of the exclusive photo shoot carried out by HOLA! USA, in which the kisses and the energy of little Alaïa made the camera lens fall in love. Excited to complete her first cover with our publication, the presenter of Un Nuevo Día (Telemundo) talks with us about everything of interest to both her audience and ours: love, family, her daughter and her sincere idea about marriage.

Adamari and Toni got engaged in 2014 when they went on vacation to the Dominican Republic. As a rehearsal, we had them symbolically pose, for the first time, in front of an altar with the illusion that one day, not too far away, they could have the long-awaited, I do!

In anticipation of their future, they are focused on continuing to cultivate the respect, affection and understanding that are in harmony with the upbringing of their princess. The partnership between the presenter and the choreographer is unique and proof of this is their love. In the meantime, HOLA! USA learns more about the beautiful romance between this pair that was born in 2011 with a tango that they will continue to dance for eternity.

Adamari Lopez and Toni Costa
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your relationship?

Adamari: If I think about our relationship process and think about him, I can’t help but visualize that tango, that dance that Toni and I did when we met at the dance competition and that was like the first crush or the beginning of what our relationship was without even realizing it. After that, there have been many beautiful moments of complicity, joy and difficult moments where we have shared until it culminated with the arrival of our princess, that we realized that we were pregnant and that we were going to be parents.

Recently there were rumors of a crisis between you as a couple, how have you taken it?

Adamari: I think that sometimes a lot of people comment on our life without even knowing or knowing us. You never get used to people commenting when they have no idea what’s going on between us. In recent days it had been commented, perhaps because they did not see us together in some activity, that we had a crisis as a couple. Nothing could be further from the truth, at least this time because other things were happening. It is difficult for me to answer and I am not one of those who gives rise to continue with comments. We have our life, our reality. We know our good times and our bad times and many times they have nothing to do with what people say in the press. What I do know is that when I am faced with comments like this, I do not comment. Toni finds it hard to keep quiet.

Adamari Lopez y Toni Costa pose for HOLA!
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

How do you celebrate your love today?

A: We always like to celebrate. Many times Toni comes to the house with flowers, with a little gift, he surprises me with a trip that has nothing to do with anything that is happening. It does not have to be a celebration just for birthdays, for Mother‘s Day or for Valentine’s Day. Many times he has surprised me at work by visiting me with a bouquet of flowers. There are things that he invents and that I love because he has that more creative way of doing it. Maybe I am more punctual to celebrate certain events, but he celebrates everything.

How has your relationship changed in these 10 years together?

A: Each moment has had its stage. At the beginning it was the moment of the two of us, of our life together with the desire to want to be parents but it did not appear, and Alaïa came to make her mark in the relationship, to further solidify what there was. She gave Toni a bigger vision, I think, of more responsibility, of more dedication. Before, we had fun and there was no great responsibility for anything, if we were alone or stayed together or not, it did not affect us more because there was no other person, but when Alaïa arrived, it is the complement of the love we have for each other and the responsibility that that brings.

Adamari Lopez y Toni Costa with daughter Alaïa
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

How did you feel walking that church aisle in a symbolic way?

T: It was about time! I feel like the eternal commitment (laughs). Let‘s see, symbolically we have done that with the photos but the excitement is always there inside and now with Alaïa who can bring us the rings, imagine. Yes we had a date [for the wedding] but the pandemic stopped everything like everyone else, but I’m sure that new date will come, that celebration, everyone will know and they will stop asking because they always ask. At the same time, we think that it is not something required or necessary, but we would have already done it because just as we are, we are fine and any day we can get up and do it.

Have you felt pressure to “have to” get married?

A: This is up to the two of us. I think that if we had been carried away by the media pressure we would have married a long time ago. Our life does not depend on what people outside say or what the press wants for us, our life depends on what we want for ourselves as a family, what we talk about and what we think is correct. We are committed to working the relationship day by day, respecting each other, loving each other and having details for each other, so that will happen when it has to happen. We had already started it and were well advanced in planning, the pandemic came to put a brake on it, there will be another opportunity after this pandemic is over, to give it shape or at some point get up as Toni says and say: “let’s go for the cut”and that’s it!

Adamari López and Toni Costa
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

Has the pandemic strengthened or affected you?

T: It has definitely strengthened us, because we have done many more things. I have had a project or several projects in which she has been involved and that before we did not do it for example. There were so many trips before work almost every weekend and that stopped, which also helped those weekends to be spent as a couple, as a family, with Alaïa, traveling, anything really. We have had a good pandemic, in our case.

Have you thought about the possibility of going to live in Spain?

T: At the moment here [Miami] we’re fine. Life takes many turns ... but we also want Alaïa to have a trajectory here in terms of her routine, her friends, school, the career that she can carry out. Sometimes the changes are good but at the moment we do not visualize it, but we do not have that door closed because you never know.

Adamari, Toni and Alaïa
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

How do you see Alaïa in a few years?

A: I think that time has passed too quickly watching Alaïa grow up, in March she is already six years old. We have seen her grow and develop, as she has her own tastes, she has her own way of thinking. I see her and I drool, I can’t believe that she is my daughter, that she likes so many things, that she is a good girl. We have raised her and we have been educating her for that, but she sometimes surprises us by being a better version of what we see for her.

Adamari Lopez and Toni Costa with Alaïa
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

What is the best advice you have ever given for one other?

A: When I get angry, Toni always tells me: “You have everything to be happy, forget about these little things and enjoy,” because for him, nothing ever happens. Sometimes I get confused and I want everything to be perfect, I’m obsessive about cleanliness ... then Toni tells me: “Forget about that, we have everything to be happy,” it reminds me that life is lighter and more fleeting and that when I fell in love with him and being happy is more important than a day of taking out garbage, although I still remind him to do it. (Laughs)

Adamari Lopez and Toni Costa with Alaïa
Photographer: Kike Flores | Makeup and Hairstyle: Mariela Bagnato | Stylist: Reading Panteleón

When you tell your friends about both of you, how do you explain the love you feel?

T: To my friends easily, because she is the woman I love, the mother of my daughter who has given me stability, has given me a maturity, has given me a meaning to have on my way and to continue fighting to be with her and try to be the best man for her and the best dad.