Lucero© @luceromexico

Mijares reveals the reason why his marriage to Lucero ended

The singer also expressed how he feels seeing his ex, Lucero, with her current partner.

DECEMBER 23, 2020 11:21 AM EST

In the mid-90s, Lucero and Manuel Mijares were the perfect image of love. The power couple that the public had idealized between songs and telenovela stories, transcended reality. In 1997, after a year relationship, they said “yes, I accept.”

The wedding was celebrated in style. It was televised so that no one would miss the fairy tale story whose protagonists would live happily ever after. However, the reality was different and in 2011 they announced their separation. Almost a decade later, the singer explained what happened.

© LagenciaMexico

Lucero and Manuel Mijares were married from 1997 to 2011

Like never before, the singer of Soldado del Amor opened his heart to talk about his marriage with Lucero and the reasons that led to the divorce. The couple has two children together José Manuel y Lucerito. 

“I think what could have contributed was that she traveled a lot and so did I, so we were used to either being one or the other at home,” Mijares revealed in an interview with the Mexican presenter, Jordi Rosado. Although most of the time, marital separations are usually full of conflicts, for Lucero and Mijares everything flowed with great harmony.

As parents, their priority was always their children. That is why they decided not to tell them what was really happening with their relationship as a couple, and to keep everything in order, the singer moved next door.

“There was always a great deal of respect to date. We continue to treat each other with the same affection, speaking with the same affection and in fact when we separated I said to her ‘Hey Lucerito, do you mind if I move here to the building next door?’ And she said, ‘no, it’s not that I don’t mind, I implore you,’” said the 62-year-old singer.

“As an adult one overcomes this, you understand it, you live the mourning, you overcome it, but when suddenly the kids do not know, it is more difficult for them to overcome it so what we wanted most was not to affect them,” he added, always thinking about his children .

© @luceromexico

La pareja se separó en los mejores términos y sin afectar a sus hijos

“As they never saw any screaming, or hatchet thrown, and since they saw that they had the ease of crossing from the elevator to the elevator really ... I think we did well in that sense because they did not feel an aggressive break,” he explained.

Lucero, happy with his great love

Even after almost a decade, Lucero and Mijares are getting along wonderfully and, as a family, they support each other as needed. After the separation, Lucero found love again in Michel Kuri, with whom he has been in a relationship for a long time.

© @michel_kuri_s

Currently, seeing his ex with her new partner is not something that affects Mijares. It’s quite the opposite, because he wants nothing more than happiness for the mother of his children. “When you love someone and you know they are happy, you feel good. She would like to see me happy and content, as I like to see her,” he added in the most sincere way.