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Tina Fey reveals how she saved a man’s life!

The writer wanted to get some fresh air and rented a house outside of New York City with her family.

Daniel Neira
Daniel Neira - Los Angeles
Senior WriterLos Angeles
DECEMBER 18, 2020 5:07 PM EST

Tina Fey is a real life hero! The writer and director tells the story of how she was able to save a man’s life during a kayak accident in the Hudson River.

The 50-year-old star wanted to get some fresh air and rented a house outside of New York City with her family.

Tina described the situation to Jimmy Fallon in her most recent appearance on The Tonight Show, explaining that during their first morning there, she went outside and wanted to admire the landscape.

The actress said, “you could see the Hudson River from where we are, it’s so pretty.”

However she suddenly started hearing “something going ‘help, help’” but couldn’t distinguish if it was a bird or a person asking for help.

Tina started to worry and called her 15-year-old daughter Alice and her husband Jeff Richmond, hoping they could figure out what was going on.

"Mean Girls" Broadway Opening Night   After Party© GettyImages
Tina, Alice and Jeff

The family decided to call the police and they set out to search a person in distress as they were also able to hear the noises.

Hours later it was revealed that “it was a guy who flipped a kayak in the Hudson and was floating!” adding that he was actually taken a mile north in the river.

Jimmy was absolutely shocked with the story and said “Tina, you saved a man’s life!”

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She went on to say that the man never knew it was them who called the police, also insisting to the audience to “never kayak!” and if they do, it’s probably not a good idea to do it in the Hudson, because “that’s not like a stream. It’s like a rat toilet!”