One of the most recognized and beloved families in entertainment makes an important social milestone, by hosting an open dialogue, not very common in the Latino community. Gloria, Lili and Emily Estefan have put all their cards on the table as part of the show ‘Red Table Talk: The Estefans,’ where they freely explore personal issues including: sexuality, divorce, trauma and the love they have experienced throughout their lives. And, despite being public figures, the Estefans have been characterized for being a very private family. For this reason, witnessing their most intimate stories not only makes big media headlines, but also inspires many people, who do not dare to sit down with their loved ones to exchange ideas that are still considered family taboos.
During an intimate chat with HOLA! USA this fearless family trio explain to us what motivated them to make this new version of the show that Jada Pinkett Smith hosts with her mother Adrienne Banfield-Jones and her daughter Willow on Facebook Watch. Likewise, Lili Estefan reveals exclusive details of her new single stage after legally signing her divorce from the father of her children, Lorenzo Luaces, and about the suitors who have tried to pursue one of the most well known media personalities of Spanish-speaking television. Gloria explains the great responsibility that comes with having become the matriarch of her dynasty, setting the example for new generations and her incredible alliance with Emilio, her life partner. Emily uncovers her impetus to take over the world with a modern vision based on her parent’s steadfast example.
Without further adieu, we invite you to navigate through the intricacies of the Estefans, as they address the complexities of life.

GLORIA: Two years ago Jada Pinkett Smith came to me with her cast from Westbrook, in the company of Jada and Will (Smith) with Ellen Rakieten, a woman who has been one of the largest parts of Oprah‘s empire for many years and she is from the cream of the crop in the American world and we knew that by now being fans of Jada’s show, they were doing a spectacular job. She came up with the idea of inviting Emily, Lili, and me to do the show. So, I thought it was amazing because I was going to be able to spend more time with them, even though we spent a lot of time together anyway; but, I thought we could make a big contribution and we know what we had to undertake, the challenge.
GLORIA: Two years ago Jada Pinkett Smith came to me with her cast from Westbrook, in the company of Jada and Will (Smith) with Ellen Rakieten, a woman who has been one of the largest parts of Oprah‘s empire for many years and she is from the cream of the crop in the American world and we knew that by now being fans of Jada’s show, they were doing a spectacular job. She came up with the idea of inviting Emily, Lili, and me to do the show. So, I thought it was amazing because I was going to be able to spend more time with them, even though we spent a lot of time together anyway; but, I thought we could make a big contribution and we know what we had to undertake, the challenge.
GLORIA: It was important to me, when we started this show, to read the reactions and I was shocked because people are really having a very big connection. The other day, I remember a person who had an opinion about Karla Souza when she spoke on the show that she was speechless. I had told her that she was actually under so much pressure that she found a way to shut up and her mind shut her up too. There was a 64-year-old who said, “Oh my God! I did not know that this was a thing that could happen and I have suffered this for a whole life and had never been to a doctor. I already made an appointment for next week.” I have shared many difficulties in my life, particularly one I had in the last chapter on mental health when I was young, long ago with my father. Every difficult thing that I have gone through has strengthened me, has helped me deal with things that came later in the world. It is very nice to have the love, the support of so many people really in my music.

LILI: I found a peace in this pandemic that I never thought I would find so early in this process that I have lived. I think instead of COVID-19, I got COVID-17. The world stopped for me in 2017 and everything was going at such a fast speed. Everyone wanted to get me out, to meet someone, to do something, because people want to see me happy and people imagine the things that can make you happy. Everyone tries to give you everything and they fill your mind so much that you can‘t find peace. God’s times are perfect. I never imagined that I would find a way to explain what had happened to me because I have always been a very hard-working woman, a woman who has been hit hard by life and had to stop immediately and go do the same thing everyday, to my work specifically. I am not an accountant, I am not a lawyer. I have to have a huge smile every day and entertain everyone. Where did I get the strength every day to do that? I have no idea, because here are these two women who have seen me suffer and go through the worst moments of my life since my mother died, when I was 10 years old. Having the opportunity to have been able to find this show that allowed me to expose what I experienced as a woman, that is, not as a public person, not as Lili Estefan, not as the woman who has the surname Estefan, not as the woman who has that image on Instagram of shoes, wallet and all that movement. I went to therapy, tried to be me. Latinos usually tell you not to cry in front of your children, that no one can know what is happening. I feel good about myself, I wish him all the best in the world, because I want him to be happy. I mean, if he wasn’t happy here, I want him to be happy. Even though he doesn’t speak to me, because we haven’t talked in two years, I send him messages and he never answers
LILI: We don‘t know, he might be embarrassed. He was a person who liked to be very private. The shame has beat him, the responsibility that he actually has to face it and to be able to overcome that moment. It’s the only thing I can think of. It is one thing for the marriage to end, another thing for the family to end. Not only do I not have communication with him; Maybe I don’t have [communication] with my children’s uncle, who is his godfather, his cousin; the two closest people who were to this family besides him. The two are no longer present in my children’s lives.

LILI: Never! We never had a conversation in which we could fix ourselves, in which we could give a chance to 25 years of marriage or 28 that we had together, do you understand me? We didn‘t have a chance at anything, zero, and I think it was because of him. I was open at all times to try to do something, to be able to solve something.
LILI: No, I don‘t see myself. I think I have been with a man for so many years that I am really enjoying freedom, being alone, getting to know myself more than ever. Spending all the time with my children, because I am a mother hen in almost everything, I love helping them in everything, it is what makes me happy. I don’t think this is the time for them to see me with another man. I think that is an issue that we should bring to the table. Divorced women, at what moment do they feel that they may be rebuilding their lives, because one thing is the image of a mother, another thing is the image of a mother in love with another man. I say that “all taxis come full.” Men come with another family, with fifty problems. At this age it is not the same to fall in love as when I fell in love with Lorenzo, we were both babies; So am I willing to put up with another man with a full taxi? The answer is no. I cannot imagine while my children are not with their lives made, married and everything, having a partner like that next to them.
LILI: I have not dated, but thanks to the pandemic I have several virtual boyfriends (laughs). And I explain to all of them, I see them worse than I do not know. It doesn‘t occur to me that I’m dating, and I have suitors, thank God. There is nothing more beautiful for a woman than feeling flattered, that you have 10 men calling you and looking for you, asking you out. It seems very cute to me, the truth and I send kisses to all, and they appear of all ages, from Emily’s age to older than my dad.
LILI: A 27-year-old who I knew for a long time because he worked for me. Crazy! It is rare, when a woman is married for so many years and at the moment you are alone, it is a process. You go out to dinner with couples who are friends of yours and you feel sorry that they want to pay for you, I want to pay all the time, I am rather grateful that they are taking me out of the house, and then I always feel like: “Oh, God everyone is in a couple.” I am the first to get divorced in the whole group, they are all married.

EMILY: We are in a world where when you talk about something personal someone is always going to have an opinion. Those are the beautiful things and it also has its difficult things. The important thing is to learn respect and how to talk about issues in a way that doesn‘t hurt someone. For example, there were times when I hurt my mom with my words, she hurt me, I hurt my dad; that is family, we have different worlds. Ten years ago, I heard jokes at school that were horrible but you do not understand, now times change and we begin to see the mistakes of human history but it is not something we should hide, it is something we have to celebrate. When it comes to the issue of sexuality for Latinos it is even very difficult, for example: if you go to a country in the world, they kill you if you are gay, they put you in jail, they throw stones at you ... this is still happening. We have to teach the world that if you love the person you are with it is fine, what you do with your partner that is private, it does not matter if it is a man, a woman or whatever. In that sense, I do think that from ancient times you have to preserve a certain respect, like class, but there are certain things that you have to change. So yeah, it was difficult obviously and we were all going through our own things: Lily was getting divorced, my grandmother was sick, I was going through this. In those moments, people go inward and sometimes forget our family and the people who are there, supporting us.
EMILY: Since I was born I know I want to be married, I want children. I had weddings with all my dolls, always obsessed with family. Being with a woman is difficult because it brings obstacles when you want to have a child; But, before being with someone, she was open to the possibility of adoption. There are so many children who need parents, so I always knew that nothing was going to stop me from achieving it. Now, I‘m with my girlfriend for almost 4 years, which in gay years is like 35 (laughs).
EMILY: It‘s just that it’s difficult because I don’t even know what it’s like to be married, I think it’s different. Now, I do think that my generation is (as my mother says) going very fast, a lot of information! Relationships are not like that, they are difficult, they go through things, it is not always happiness and many times now when something happens or you feel that it is something difficult or you have to make an effort for the relationship, our generation jumps to the next thing and we are never strengthening it, because you have to learn to navigate and be with a person sharing your life. If I am in that situation like the one my cousin went through, I hope not, the truth is that what she experienced is a master class in how to overcome difficult things in life.
EMILY: My mom and dad ... it‘s amazing to see them. Each person who knows them learns nothing more than by spending time with them, because the way they love each other, the respect. That is another secret with successful marriages: each person has their world and together they make another world. My dad always has so many things and he’s in the studio and my mom can be outside with the dogs, but at night they are there together, watching her show. You have to create the life that you want to see and share it with that person and open space, always complement each other.

GLORIA:There is no secret. It makes me happy to be of service to others. I do not know if it is because I am a Virgo and we want to be at the service of humanity, but I feel very comfortable. I have always felt very safe in my own skin, even when I went through that difficult time that my father was so ill, that I was desperate and did not see that that was going to change. That‘s what happens with youth, sometimes they act impulsively and do things like take their own lives because they are desperate and they don’t see that things are going to change. Since I was little I felt old, I felt younger when I met Emilio, perhaps because of all the problems I had to go through, but I have felt younger the longer it has been because my life has been relieved, I have freed myself from a lot of things, very dark and difficult, that I lived in my youth. With Emilio we are a balance, because we are very different in personality; But with things that are really worth such as values, what motivates one, priorities, we are on the same page and it is very important not to be constantly fighting because when you are fighting over nonsense, love is diluted. It helps a lot that he and I rarely differ in politics, in business, in music, in the family. He always leaves me notes, he doesn’t stop taking care of me, he’s always thinking of me. If I go on a trip, I find pieces of paper that say: “baby, I love you, I’m going to miss you” in the places where you least expect it, when I go to brush my teeth or on the pillow. It means that he is thinking of me and I always try to think of him and support him in what he wants to do. I give him the freedom to be in the studio with J.Lo, with Madonna, Shakira. I trust him, because we have a lot of respect for each other.
‘Red Table Talk: The Estefans,’ recorded in Miami, will air weekly and will feature guests including Kate del Castillo, Michelle Rodriguez, Lele Pons and Rosie O‘Donnell. The show follows the format of Jada Pinkett Smith’s popular ‘Red Table Talk.’