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Cardi B reacts to being ‘cancelled’ in emotional video

The rapper ended Twitter’s #CardiBIsOverParty with a strong clap back

UPDATED JUNE 26, 2020 9:13 AM EDT

 Cardi B  just cancelled her cancellation. The 27-year-old rapper was understandably hit with many emotions when she woke up to “#CardiBIsOverParty” trending on Twitter on Thursday, June 25. Confusion mostly pounded in Cardi’s brain as she took to her large social media platform to set the record straight: “I woke up and I‘m seeing that they’re trying to make ‘Cardi B Is Cancelled Party.’ I’m like… I’m not doing anything,” she initially said. The Grammy winner then went on to dispel several allegations, including that she’s feuding with  Ariana Grande .

Scroll to watch her response video!

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Haters are not gonna hate on Cardi B’s watch

“My cancel party story,” Cardi titled her Instagram video. “So people made this ridiculous lie of me on twitter,” captioned. “I’m glad I pulled up all the receipts and DEBUNKED ALL OF IT. It’s crazy the time and energy people put to try to destroy you but this was JUST RIDICULOUS.”

“It proves to me tho that I intimidate anybody that has any hate towards me that they will find any possible way to break me,” the Be Careful singer continued. “YOU CAN’T BREAK ME! Bring up my past and everything I said.” Above all else, she insisted that no one is going to take her down: “I will not run away from social media, I will not be discouraged of my work.”

The Hustlers star went on to address rumors swirling around, including various “fights” she was in with fellow music giants. “Ariana Grande? I don‘t even have a problem with her,” she said. “Why would I ever talk about her? I like her music. I don’t know her like that.” The same went for Lil’ Kim, who she said she adores. “I love Lil Kim and I respect her and admire her, but I don’t personally know her.”

As soon as Cardi spoke out, things turned around. “#CardiBIsComing” and “#WeLoveYouCardi” began trending instead, proving the power of Cardi’s voice. “I‘m seeing so much love from, not only my fans, but just random people that are not fan account pages, are just having my back,” she tweeted. “I’m so thankful, I’m so grateful for you guys. Thank you for making those other hashtags trend.”