Ricky Martin y Jwan Yosef© GettyImages

Meet Ricky Martin’s father-in-law, husband Jwan Yosef’s dad

Jwan Yosef paid tribute to his ‘baba’ in honor of Father’s Day

UPDATED JUNE 23, 2020 1:21 PM EDT

For both  Ricky Martin  and  Jwan Yosef , there is nothing more important than their family. On Father‘s Day, they each shared photos of their respective fathers and congratulated them on their day. Ricky published a series of images of his father, Mr. Enrique Martín Negroni, while his partner also did his thing but on Instagram stories.

It was one of the rare occasions in which Jwan shared photos of his father, who is Ricky Martin‘s father-in-law, and a proud grandfather to Matteo, Valentino, Lucía, and little Renn. Although the couple is reserved when it comes to their family, on this occasion, they allowed fans to see a little more, especially Jwan, who tends to be more private since Ricky grew up in the spotlight while forming part of Menudo.

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Ricky Martin and his husband Jwan Yosef

Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef began their love story more than four years ago when one of Jwan‘s art pieces caught the singer’s attention. The Syria-born artist soon became Ricky’s top interest. “I am reviewing, and I see this beautiful piece of art. I wrote to him, and we were talking for about six months without me hearing his voice, ” recalled the singer during a radio interview in February 2017.

Six months after their first contact, the Shark interpreter traveled to London - where Jwan resided - and they met face to face, and since then, they have not separated for a single day.

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Intimate wedding

In an interview with E! Entertainment in January 2018, Ricky confirmed that he and Jwan had already become husbands. “I am a husband. We are going to have a big party in a couple of months, I will let you know. We signed, we said our vows, we swore everything and we signed all the papers that we had to sign, ” he shared.

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Jwan Yosef’s parents

After getting married, Ricky Martin officially became part of Jwan’s family. In this photo are the parents of the Swedish artist, who was born in Syria and grew up in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Mr. Yosef

Jwan‘s father is Muslim and of Kurdish-Syrian descent.

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The best for his family

In search of new opportunities, Jwan‘s parents decided to leave Syria when Jwan was only two years old. He and his entire family moved to Sweden.

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Same features

Both father and son bear a great resemblance. This photo shows that their nose is one of their most similar features. They are identical!

From his Instagram posts, we discovered that Jwan affectionately refers to him as ‘baba.’

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Such a professional

Jwan‘s parents are extremely proud of his professional achievements. Thanks to their support, Jwan studied at the prestigious Pernby School of Painting in Stockholm, in addition to having a major in Art from Konstfack University and the Saint Martins Central Institute.

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Family man

In addition to being proud of their son’s achievements, they are also happy to see him fulfilled and very much in love with Ricky Martin and the beautiful family they have formed.

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His role as a father

There is no doubt one of Jwan’s best roles is that of a father, and his family must be more than happy to see him excel in all areas of his life. With this photo in which he holds their son, little Renn, Ricky wished his partner a happy Father‘s Day.