Jim Carrey and his funny faces© Getty Images

Jim Carrey's funniest faces show why he is the King of Comedy

The Canadian actor is one of the world's most famous and successful comedians. We take a look back at the biggest hits of his 40-year of career

UPDATED MARCH 27, 2020 12:45 PM EDT
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The face of comedy

With a career spanning 40 years, Jim Carrey is one of the top comedians in Hollywood thanks to his innate talent for making people laugh.

His movies are generally a big hit and the Toronto-born actor brings a smile to people's faces wherever he goes.

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Making us laugh is a cinch

Jim found out he could make people laugh at a very early age. He started out in theater in Toronto before moving to Hollywood. The actor only has to pull a funny face to have an audience in stitches and likes to use his talent - even at awards ceremonies!

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A barrel of laughs

He doesn't even need to tell a joke to make people laugh: even in conversation, his incredibly expressive face can provoke a giggle.

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His rise to stardom

In 1985, the comedian landed his first lead role on Once Bitten, but it wasn't until nine years later that he became a household name with Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and The Mask. After these hits, Jim Carrey's life changed completely and he became a household name.

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It\'s hard to resist his charm

TV hosts such as Jay Leno love interviewing personalities like Jim Carrey since any anecdote he tells about his personal life or his work tends to leave the audience helpless with laughter.

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Slapstick comedy

Jim Carrey's style of slapstick comedy involves overexaggerating everything – sky-rocketing him to fame in the Nineties and early 2000s.

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It\'s always happy time

In 2013, Jim Carrey wrote How Roland Rolls, a children's book that tells the story of a wave named Roland. During a book signing, the comedian read a couple of paragraphs aloud, and of course made everyone laugh with his wacky faces.

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Always the clown, both on and off camera

Jim Carrey often has to film comedy scenes for hours on end. However, when the director shouts "cut!," he doesn't stop his clownish behavior. His infectious good humor makes those who work alongside him feel very lucky indeed.

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You want laughs with that speech?

Since his rise to fame, he's had a string of box office hits and has become loved by the public and critics alike. And he has won a few awards in the meantime.

Of course, Jim doesn't stop making 'em laugh even when collecting an honor.

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He\'ll keep us laughing for years to come

This actor has been in over 40 movies; no wonder he was Hollywood's best-paid comedian at one point.

His next release will be Sonic in 2020. He's also executive producer on the TV show Kidding, where he plays the role of Jeff Piccirillo.