Jennifer Lopez© @JLo

This is how Jennifer Lopez's children live life on the road

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SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 6:00 PM EDT

Jennifer Lopez’s timeless career and talent has taken her all around the world, and her children Emme and Max seem to get the best of both worlds: living a normal while at home and traveling to the best resorts and most exotic locations while accompanying their mom for work.

Most recently, the whole family joined JLo for her It’s My Party Tour, which saw them traveling all over the world, from the states to abroad destinations, including Israel. The singer's twins as well as her fiancé Alex Rodriguez and his two girls Natasha, 14, and Ella, 11, accompanied JLo during her international tour. The 50-year-old singer's daughter even got a taste of performing—she was brought out for several concerts to sing along with her mother.

Check it out: 

The most memorable performance put on by the mother/daughter duo was at Madison Square Garden. Other highlights that Emme and Max enjoyed were hanging out backstage and yes, taking camel rides in Israel.

Quality family time is something Jennifer and A-Rod always prioritize and their blended family is always filled with love and support.