Edith González’s unexpected death last June 13 caused a very emotional shock in the Mexican and international community and in the hearts of many.

Katie Barberi, one of Edith's intimate friends, shared what she knew about the last days of the beloved actress and with whom she shared star roles in the melodrama Doña Bárbara (Telemundo).
This is what Barberi revealed during an interview after the posthumous tribute to Edith González in Mexico, the actress' birth country. Edith called her great friend Katie to announce that she was at the hospital and that “things were not good,” so Katie did not hesitate in traveling from Los Angeles to Mexico City to visit Edith.

Katie went to the hospital to visit Edith last Tuesday, June 11, and she found that Edith's condition was very severe. “She could hardly talk. She spoke very little in fact, because she had a hard time talking. She listened and I just tried to say some words that would amuse her and make her laugh instead.”

An issue that keeps the people around the late Edith González worried is the future of Constanza, her daughter, who will turn 15 in August. Katie Barberi, Edith’s intimate friend, promised to keep an eye on the teen.

Barberi, who worked with Edith in the telenovela Eva la Trailera (Telemundo) among other novelas, said that the actress called her the day before her death to say goodbye. “We received a call on Wednesday afternoon. She had just received bad news, but she took the time to call us and say goodbye.