Besides Maluma’s obvious talents of singing and dancing, it seems he also has a special gift for charming babies. As usual, the Pretty Boy melted the hearts of his followers on social media, but this time it was thanks to his sweet, and nurturing side with kids.
The Colombian singer pampered and showered with love the baby of one of his colleagues, and even fed her a bottle. Based on the video, the daughter of David Gallego Escobar, from the group Piso 21, enjoyed the company of Maluma and kept calm in the arms of the singer.
It’s no secret Juan Luis Londoño – Maluma’s real name – wishes to become a family man one day. In an exclusive interview with our sister publication HOLA! Colombia, the 25-year-old opened up about his personal dreams, and of course, the words 'marriage' and 'children' came about.
When asked if he saw himself as a married man, he answered that pure and real love was enough for him. "It worries me that every time a couple gets married, it ends. I do not understand why. I prefer to love unconditionally. I would love to get married, but I prefer to have a real love and not depend on a ring to have a bond."
He also explained how he would like that to be with the woman of his life. "Sure, I want to get married, live in a giant hacienda with horses, have children, but at the moment I do not put a lot of head into that. I have other priorities."
In this photo, Maluma appears with one of the little ones in his family. He loves to spoil them!
For the time being, the plans to forming a family will have to wait, since at this moment he is focused on his musical career and on his new 11:11 world tour, which starts in May. On top of that, Maluma is enjoying his relationship with Natalia Barulich, with whom he’s had a wonderful relationship of almost two years.