Lupita Nyong'o unstoppable women© Getty Images

Lupita Nyong'o reveals the 'unstoppable women' in her life

UPDATED MARCH 22, 2019 6:02 PM EDT

Lupita Nyong'o is currently on a press tour promoting her new horror flick Us. Besides making powerful fashion statements with chic suits and haunting contact lenses, the actress has also opened up about the women who inspire her everyday. During her visit to Miami, Lupita revealed two special women that have helped shape the person, actress and woman she is today.

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Lupita Nyong'o revaled the two "unstoppable women" in her life: her mother and Oprah

When asked who are the "unstoppable women" she looks up to, Lupita confidently responded with, "my mother." In case you don't know, Lupita's mother Dorothy Nyong'o is a boss lady who is always supporting her daughter (and matching outfits) at movie premieres. "There are many things I love about my mom," Lupita said. "But one of the things I’ve been thinking about recently, especially in light of this film, is my mom’s ability to be dignified in the things that she does. My mom was not afraid to learn new things. She’s an eternal student, and I think she infused that in me because as an actor, I’m always learning things."

MORE: Lupita Nyong'o's latest fashion trend: thrillingly haute contacts

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And it's not only about learning new skills—it's learning about the human experience. "I enjoy stretching myself and getting out of my comfort zone to learn things because I think it breeds empathy when you can look beyond your circumstances, your own experiences of the world," the actress revealed.

Besides her mother, Lupita also shared another woman who has played a pivotal part in her life: Oprah. "The great Oprah really influenced my mom and then me because we would watch her show together," she said. "She really encourages consciousness and actually taking the rings of your own life. And participating in creating the life that you want to see...I think that’s a powerful thing. She’s a spiritual guide for many of us."

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According to the actress, both women helped shape the woman Lupita is today

The Us actress also shared the moments when she feels most "unstoppable" in her life. "I feel most unstoppable when I am working," she said. "When I’m playing a role and I’ve figured out how to do it and you know, I’m in the zone. That’s when I feel very unstoppable."

Us is now playing in theaters.