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Lady Gaga singer awards© Getty Images

Lady Gaga just accomplished what she hasn't in more than ten years

UPDATED MARCH 14, 2019 7:04 AM EDT

Lady Gaga may be accustomed to turning heads with her outrageously creative - and controversial - style but this time the songbird has garnered attention for something that has seemingly been out of her reach for over 10 years: she's back on top of the Billboard Top 100 chart! The Monster and Poker Face singer defeated the musical lull she experienced awards-wise and finally secured a spot with her huge A Star is Born hit, Shallow, an original song written for the Oscars nominated, Bradley Cooper-directed film. It was no small feat and it definitely did not go by unrecognized - Gaga also won her first Oscars for Best Song at the 2019 Academy Awards!

Shallow is one of the top-requested songs nationwide, dethroning Ariana Grande's 7 rings. Gaga's smashing, sultry performance of the song at the Oscars - a duet with Bradley Cooper - set the rumor mills into overdrive. Kudos to the lady herself for trailblazing back to the top of the Billboard charts with a song that is already one for the ages.