Barack, Michelle and Malia greeted supporters after the former president delivered his farewell address in Chicago on January 10.
Photo: JOSHUA LOTT/AFP/Getty Images

What's next for the Obamas: Malia headed to Hollywood, Barack and Michelle say they'll be back


The Obamas officially handed over the White House on Friday.Now that they have begun their transition back to civilian life, Barack and Michelle are discussing what’s in store for the future. From awell-deserved family vacation to an incredible internship opportunity, the family has revealed their plans.

Shortly after the inauguration, Barack and Michelle releaseda video on The Obama Foundation website, discussing the their post-presidency life. After serving as the president and first ladyfor eight years, it seems Barack and Michelle Obama want a “little break,” first and foremost.


“We’re finally going to get some sleep and take time to bewith our family, and just be still for a little bit.” Michelle said in thevideo, eliciting a “thumbs up” from her husband. “So, we might not be onlinequite as much as you’re used to seeing us.”

The Obamas embarked on a much-needed vacation to PalmSprings, California after the inauguration on Friday. They love the area andwill be getting lots of rest and time with the family.


Also in the video, Barack directly addressed America,saying: "Hello everybody. After eight years in the White House, Michelleand I now rejoin all of you as private citizens. We want to thank you from thebottom of our hearts for giving us the incredible privilege of serving thiscountry that we love.”

The couple went on to discuss their intentions for The ObamaFoundation, which will primarily focus on citizenship. They asked the public tosend in ideas on how the foundation could assist them. Obama finished the videoby saying: "The work of perfecting our unions never finish, and we lookforward to joining you in that effort as fellow citizens. Thank you, and wewill see all of you again soon."

Barack Obama gave Michelle a kiss at the White House before President Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20 in Washington, D.C. Photo: Getty Images

Of course, Barack and Michelle aren’t the only ones startinga new chapter of their lives. Their eldest daughter Malia plans to work withfamed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein this year. The Hollywood Reporter confirmed the news, stating that the 18-year-old securedan internship at the New York office of The Weinstein Co., the acclaimed studiobehind Oscar-winning films like TheKing’s Speech. A source of THR claims she may work in the marketingor development departments. Malia is set to start in February, right after thefamily’s return from Palm Springs.


This will not be Malia’s first taste of the entertainment industry. The former first daughter previously interned on Lena Dunham's hit HBO series Girls and also spent time on the L.A. set of Halle Berry's CBS drama Extant. Following her time with Weinstein, Malia will attend Harvard University in the Fall.

The Obamas greet supporters after the president delivered his farewell address in Chicago Photo: Getty Images

While January 19 was thelast day of Obama’s time in office, Barack and Michelle also hinted about the future onTwitter. The former president, who changed his Twitter handle back to@BarackObama from @POTUS44, tweeted: “Hi everybody! Back to the originalhandle. Is this thing still on? Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation,then we’ll get back to work.” In a similar vein, his wife wrote: “After anextraordinary 8 years, I’ll be taking a little break. Will be back before youknow it to work with you on the issues we care about.”