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Inside Emma Watson and Sophie Trudeau's special friendship


Emma Watson and Sophie Trudeau  have formed one of the most inspirational friendships. So much so, that Emma welcomed her to Instagram on Wednesday with a heartfelt message along with a photo from her recent visit to Canada in September.

"Definitely a highlight of my year was meeting this person. Who picks you up on a Vespa before your meeting to personally show you why she loves her city and her country? It was one of the most free and inspiring mornings I have had all year- not what I expected from someone who is as busy as she must be," the 26-year-old actress captioned the photo of her and Sophie riding around Ottawa.


Emma and Sophie shared a picture of their adventure on Instagram Photo: Instagram/@emmawatson

"She's a yogi, feminist, artist, advocate, mother, warrior and all round gold hearted person," Emma continued. "What a privilege it is to have met her. Welcome to Instagram Sophie! Bonjour! I'm looking forward to being abel to see your adventures and especially witness the work you do on behalf of women and girls. P.s she did the driving and we both wore helmets!"

Prince Harry meets Justin Trudeau

Sophie found some time to give the Harry Potter actressa personal tour around the city during her visit. The wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who made her Instagram debut on Tuesday, responded to her famousfriend with the same image and just as inspiring words. "Emma, beautiful friend, you know how much I admire your path, dedication and hard work toward gender equality," she wrote. "You are a kind-hearted and generous soul! Until our next ride!"

Emma met with Justin to discuss gender equality Photo: Twitter/@justintrudeau

Why everyone is talking about Canada's Prime Minister

Sophie's husband also had some adoring words for the actress. Prime Minister Trudeau took some time away from Prince William and Kate Middleton's visit to meet with Emma to discuss gender equality and women's rights. “It’s great to be able to welcome Emma Watson to Parliament to talk about the important advocacy work she’s been doing for a number of years now,” he said. “The He For She campaign has had an extraordinary impact around the world making men champions of women’s issues that are everyone’s issues. Her voice is extremely important in making people realize how important this is.”

A week prior to the Canadian trip, Emma honored him at the U.N. Women' HeForShe campaign reception in NYC.