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Joey Feek is 'more frail than ever' but continues to enjoy the little things


As Joey Feek continues her battle with cancer, she isalready looking forward to her “favorite season,” spring. In a new post on hisblog, This Life I Live, Rory Feek revealed that his wife is “thin and gaunt, and more frail than ever.”

While the ailing singer might not live to see springtime, her husbandadmitted that she’s already getting ready for the season. “She’s busy preparing for it,’ hewrote. That includes planting broccoli seeds, which have begun to sprout from their home in Alexandria, Indiana.


“My wife is sowing her seeds – putting down roots in thesoil of our lives and hearts,” Rory penned. “She does it because it’s important to her. Plantinga garden and raising food that she can feed her family is part of who Joey is. That doesn’t stop just because you have cancer or are stuck in a bed formonths-on-end. Life goes on. And what was important, is still importantto her.”

As Joey continues to prepare her family for life once she’s gone, Rory admitted that he is continuing to take notes. He said, “Isit beside her and smile and listen and take notes. And I will keep thegarden going. Joey’s garden.”

Rory added, “And I’m sure in time, Iwill learn to love it too. Because she loved it. And part of herwill be with us… in every seed we plant, and every vegetable weharvest … and every bite we take.”


On Wednesday, the doting husbandposted a moving photo on Facebook of his wife and the couple’s nearly 2-year-old daughter, Indiana, sharing a tender moment in Joey’s hospice bed. Attached to the picture he wrote, “Feelingbroken-hearted and blessed all at the same time this morning... watching mybeautiful bride pour a lifetime of love into a few minutes a day.”

In a previous blog post, Roryadmitted that he cannot picture his life without Joey, who has alreadyexceeded her doctors’ timeframe. He said, “I cannot even begin to imagine goinghome to Tennessee without Joey, or living my life and raising Indy without her…but chances are, that day is coming."

Until that day comes, the 49-year-oldsaid that he and his wife are doing their best to "only see theplus's" in their life, which include "all the extra days and weeksthat we’ve been given together."