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Joey Feek cuddles some puppies: See the adorable photo


Talkabout puppy love! Joey Feek was treated to a sweet surprise or should we say visitors on Wednesday. The countrysinger, who is battling terminal cancer, had her spirits lifted by a batch of puppies.

Joey’shusband Rory Feek49, shared a sweet photo of his wife kissing a pup on the couple’s Facebook page. Attached to thepicture he wrote, “Some baby puppies came to play with Indy the other day, but Ithink her mama loved their visit the most.”


As the ailing country star, 40, remains in hospice, her husband revealed on Thursday that he can't imagine lifewithout her. Rory wrote on his blog, This Life I Live, "I cannot evenbegin to imagine going home to Tennessee without Joey, or living my life andraising Indy without her… but chances are, that day is coming.”

Until that day, the doting husband admitted that he and his wife aredoing their best to "only see the plus's" in their life, whichinclude "all the extra days and weeks that we’ve been giventogether."

Photo: Getty Images

Joey has also been preparing her family on what toremember once she’s gone. Rory revealed "It’s been important to her toshare some things that she wants me and our girls to remember after she'sgone."

He added, "More than once, I have found myself besideher bed taking notes as she shares things like when the best time to plant thegarden will be this spring, how to prune the fruit trees and to make sure westill set aside a percentage of what we make as a tithe each month."