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Jessica Chastain uses Instagram to find her grandmother's stolen dog!


Who needs a milk carton orflyers when you’ve got social media! Jessica Chastain was able to locate her grandmother’sstolen dog, Livvy, just days after posting a missing photo and description onInstagram pleading for the pup's safe return along with a reward.

Photo: Getty Images

On Sunday, the 38-year-old actress updated her over 400,000 followers with the good news. Sharing a photo of her grandmother and her dog, Jessica wrote, “Livvy isFOUND!!!!! My grandma picked her up a couple hours ago. Thank you to each andevery one of you that spread the word and put attention on this. I trulybelieve you all are the the guardian angels that reunited these 2 beauties.Much love to you xxjess #love#gratitude.”

The Martian actress isn’t the only celebrity inTinseltown who has resorted to social media to find a missing person or thing.Over the weekend, actor Mark Ruffalo lost his wallet and cell phoneduring the winter storm Jonas.

The Spotlight star tweeted out hispredicament writing, “APB out for a cell phone in awallet case out on the streets of NYC in a blizzard. My drivers license is inthere. Reward and signed pic.” Less than 20 minutes later, Mark retrieved hisbelongings thanks to help from twitter. He tweeted, “OMG It was just found!That was freaking fast. Thanks for helping me find it!!”

Mark shareda photo later that day with his wallet and cell phone heroes. He said, “Thank Amenaide andCatherine Brown for finding my Phone and wallet! Thanks Brown family for yourdecency.”

Last year,

Sex and the City


Sarah Jessica Parker 

turned to


when it came to helping out a longtime friend. The fashionista shared her pal’s missing earring on Instagram askingfollowers to help her friend find it.

Perhaps using social platforms to locatelost goods is the new trend? Though having thousands of followers around theglobe certainly does help.