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Joey Feek is now bedridden but believes she can 'beat' her terminal cancer


While cancer has left Joey Feek bedridden, the countrysinger continues to hold out hope that she will beat her terminal disease. The 40-year-old’s husband, Rory Feek,shared an update on his wife’s health over the holiday weekend, on his blog This Life I Live.

"Though now, she can no longerget out of bed -- she is so sharp and clear and her pain, for the most part, isso under control by the medicine that talking to her -– you would think she’sher normal self. Thinner. Much thinner. And with a hip new hairdo," Rory wrote on Sunday.


“Like any woman, mywife is self-conscious about what cancer has done to her,” he said. “Who shesees in the mirror these days looks like someone else… not the woman that shefeels like she is inside. And it hurts her deeply.”

The singer of the country duo Joey + Rory added, “[Joey] wants to be remembered as a singer ofsongs. A devoted wife. A loving mother. Not a cancer patient.”

Despite not being able to walk anymore, Rory callshis wife and her “will to live,” “very, verystrong.” Joey continues to fight not just for herself, but for the couple’s 21-month-olddaughter, Indiana, who "gets excited every morning to see[her mom]."

On Monday, the doting husband shared a sweet photo to Facebook featuring the mother-daughter duo sporting matching braided pigtails. He captioned the photo, "hand-made pigtails and a second-hand tricycle." In the picture, Joey remained in bed eating, while the couple's young daughter rode around on her tricycle, no doubt fueling her mother's desire to win this battle with cancer.

Photo: Facebook/Joey and Rory

"There isn't a day that goes by that [Joey] doesn't look me and her family in the eye and say, 'I'm gonna beat this,' or, 'I'm getting better, I believe that.' And she asks me if I believe it, and I do. I choose to,” Rory wrote on his blog on Sunday.

Joey entered hospice care in early November, after ceasing treatments for her terminal cancer. “For the most part, “ Rory penned that his wife’s time in hospice “has been a roller coaster.”


Whenever the doctors and family believe “the time must be very near,” Joey experiences an unexpectedupturn. “The last few days have been incredible,” Rorywrote. “Part of us once again believes that God is answering Joey’s prayerby healing her body and taking the cancer away, despite all the odds.”

“It’s not uncommon for people to beon hospice for 6 months, or longer,” he said. “But God chooses the appointedtime. Not us. Not hospice.”