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Sherri Saum on raising her twins bilingual and working with Viola Davis

By Alex Cramer


Sherri Saum has madeher way over to Shondaland. The Fosters star will appear on How to Get Awaywith Murder during Shonda Rhimes’ hit Thursday night on ABC. For Sherri, joiningthe breakout show from 2014 has its perks like starring opposite Viola Davis,who just won an Emmy for her role in the crime drama. “I just really washonored to work with someone like Viola, her stature. I've always admired her,and just to be able to sit and watch her act, Shonda's no dummy,” she toldHELLO! at the Voices On Point Gala in L.A. “She did well. She picked well. And I soakedup every second of it.”

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Consider it an actingclass refresher! “It was an amazing experience working – all my scenes, prettymuch were with Viola,” she said. “And she's a triumph and a master class, sothat was amazing.”

While Sherri wasn’table to give away too many details about what her role would entail, she diddrop a few hints. “It's adeparture from my character on The Fosters. We'll say that right now. A majordeparture. So it's going to be really fun. I can't wait to watch it.”

As for if this can bea recurring role, the 41-year-old continued: “This character, I'm not sure. I'mhoping I return in a different incarnation.” But don’t worry Foster fans, LenaFoster isn’t going anywhere. In fact, Sherri was joined by her co-star of theJennifer Lopez produced show, Teri Polo, at the event that supports LGBTQstudents in achieving a better future.

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Looking stunning inan all-black ensemble, it’s hard to believe she gave birth to twin boys, Michael Luis and John Ruben, justover a year ago. “Well, it's funny. I always hear people who had youngchildren say, ‘Oh, I get my workout running after my kids.’ I'm like, that'snot a workout,” she admitted. “And now, I really get it. It is a workout. Idon't sit down anymore. I used to like chill, watch my Netflix. But now, it'sjust like I don't sit down. So that's really what it is.”

Her boys, who turned1 in May, have recently started running their mouths as much as their feet. “Theirfirst word was mas because we speak to them in Spanish,” Sherri who marriedKamar de los Reyes in 2007. “We teach them Spanish first, as a first language.So the first word is mas, which is more. They're like me; they like to eat. So whatever we're feeding, they're like, ‘Mas? Mas?’”

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