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Selena Gomez won't rule out reuniting with Justin Bieber


Her best friend Taylor Swift might sing about never, ever, ever getting back together, but Selena Gomez won't make the same declaration when it comes to her ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber. The singer laughed during an interview for the October issue of Elle when she was asked about a possible reunion. "I don't know!"she said.

"I'll forever support him and love Justin," Selena said in a new interview Photo: Getty Images

There has been speculation about sparks between the formercouple, who dated on and off for three years before splitting at the end of 2014. In May they were shown having dinner together with friends

in a Snapchat video,but Selena, 22, told Elle that they are "genuinely" friends now.

"I'll forever support him and love him in a way that….We grew up together. I think people want it to be different," she said,insisting that they're too young for more drama.

"Nobody was married," she continued. "Therewas no…. I respect him. And I think he respects me, in a healthy manner."

A loved-up Selena and Justin in 2012 Photo: Getty Images

But there is plenty of evidence that both of them have hadtrouble moving on. Justin, 21, told an Australian radio show last week that he hasn't "been in a relationship for a while now."Without mentioning Selena by name, he added, "I got my heart broken. I'mjust trying to let that heal up."

And while Selena's name also briefly flashed behind Justinin the video for his new song, "What Do You Mean," it appears thatSelena might be singing about her ex in a much-talked-about song on her newalbum, Revival.

"Same Old Love" features the lyrics: "You leftin peace, left me in pieces/My body's had enough/I'm so sick of that same oldlove."

Selena told Elle that the song "is not necessarily abouta specific relationship." "Sometimes you're stuck in the same cycle.This is kind of my 'forget it' song. I'm sick of all of it," she said.

The former Disney star, who briefly dated Russian DJ Zeddearlier this year, insists that right now "finding somebody is not my mainfocus."

Selena is the October issue's cover girl