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Hillary Clinton talks Kanye West for president and dances the 'Nae Nae'


Hillary Clinton has been busy touring the countryas she hopes to secure the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential race, but made time to stop bythe Ellen DeGeneres Show on September 10 to discuss her candidacy,granddaughter and even Kanye West. This exclusive interview marksHillary's sixth appearance on the show and the first as a presidentialcandidate.

When asked what her granddaughter Charlotte callsher the 67-year-old responded, "She's got a couple of words I’m waiting tosee what she wants to call me. If I like it I’ll say, 'yeah that’s a good one.;If I don’t then I’m gonna have to work on what else can she call me."

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Hillary Clinton discussed her candidacy on the Ellen DeGeneres Show Photo: Michael Rozman/Warner Bros

The former Secretary of State then jokinglysuggested some options saying, "Well you know, I’m fine with Grandma. I’m fine with “Madame President. I mean whatever strikes her fancy."

Speaking of becoming president, Ellen alsobrought up the possibility of Kanye West entering the race. "Well, I heard himmake the announcement, and he said he wanted to run in 2020," said Hillary."I would only ask him if I’m running for reelection to wait."

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Hillary commented on Kanye West running for president Photo: Michael Rozman/Warner Bros

Therapper announced he was running for president during the MTV VMAs on August 30.Kanye, who was accompanied by his pregnant wife

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shared during his speech: "If mygrandfather was here right now, he would not let me back down. I don't knowwhat I stand to lose after this. It don't matter, though, because it ain'tabout me, it's about ideas, bro." He added, "New ideas. People withideas, people who believe in truth. And yes, as you probably could have guessedby this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president."

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Kanye announced he would run for president in 2020 Photo: Getty Images

Hillary's daughter Chelsea even commented on Kanye wanting to run forpresident. Speaking about her family's foundation's No Ceilings Project to support women's rights, Chelsea said Kanye's passion for politics could inspire others to get involved."I definitely think who runs for office is really important," shetold MTVNews."Even if him just saying that helps spark a little boy or little girl whowas watching the VMAs to think, 'Oh, wow! Maybe I should do that,' that'sawesome."

More than worrying about Kanye in 2020, Hillary has beenfacing criticsm as potentially being the oldest president ever elected to whichshe has a funny response. "Well I think it’s veryimportant, but the way I look at it is I would be the youngest woman everelected President of the United States," she quipped on the show.

Showing off her funnier side even more, the presidential hopeful surprised the audience during a commercial break by learning the "Watch Me" Whip/Nae Nae dance from DJ Stephen “Twitch” Boss. She also hung backstage with Amy Schumer, who Instagrammed the meeting.

Watch Hillary dance below:

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