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Chris Evans considers himself 'a pretty romantic guy'

By Alex Cramer


Chris Evan may bebest known forbattling super villains, but he wants theworld to know that he has more to offer than muscles and action. “I’m a prettyromantic guy,” the star confessed to HELLO! at the premiere of his directorialdebut Before We Go on Wednesday in Hollywood.

Although we are surethat would make the ladies swoon, he continued: “I don’t necessarily limit thenotion of romance to people. I think I have a romantic relationship to art, tomusic, to nature.” The Captain America star even admitted that the mostromantic gesture he’s ever done was for himself. He explained, “I went campingonce for three weeks by myself, which is very romantic.”

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Chris, who has beenpreviously been linked to many famous women, including Jessica Biel, Sandra Bullock and Minka Kelly, spoke about if working on this film had given him anydesire to settle down with someone special. “Oh god, I couldn’t even thinkabout my own life,” the 34-year-old shared. “I had no life during this movie.This movie was all about the movie and that was it.”

In the film, Chrisplays a musician who tries to help Alice Eve’s character get home after herpurse is stolen in New York City’s Grand Central Station. The pair wander the citystreets together and romantic feelings develop between them. Alice spokeeagerly of her admiration for Chris, both as an actor and director. The star,who also has Dirty Weekend coming out with Matthew Broderick, said, “It wasinteresting because Chris had a very clear vision of what romance was to himand what love was to him, and we kind of followed that.”

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While Chris may haveno time for love in his real life, Alice is a few months shy of celebrating her first year as a married couple on December 31 with Alex Cowper-Smith, whose wedding was featured in the pages of HELLO! magazine. She opened up about the best part ofwedded bliss: “The comfort. It’s nice to have somebody to go home to.”

Before We Go is outin theaters on September 4.

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