Photo: Getty Images

Brad Pitt takes son Knox to the MotoGP British Grand Prix


With a brood of six anda booming career in Hollywood, it can often be hard to spend quality time withone person. Super dad Brad Pitt managed to do just that though when he took7-year-old son Knox to the MotoGP World Championship in Northampton, England onAugust 30 for some one-on-one time.

The 51-year-old actor kept a low profileby wearing a simple black shirt and newsboy cap while his youngest son donned ablue jacket and safety headphones to protect his ears from the noise of the racetrack.


Brad and his son Knox enjoyed a father-son day at the race track Photo: Getty Images

The sweet outing was also partially business for the actor who was thereto promote his upcoming documentary

Hitting the Apex 

about the fastest racersin the world. "Firstof all, I want to say it's great to be here at Silverstone. We're here for MarkNeal's film, and he's made a great one, another great one,"

Brad said at the event

. "It's exhilarating. It's really moving. It's got a universalmythological tale to it, and we're really proud to get it out there. I'm tellingyou, the hardcore fans are going to love it, the newcomers to the sport aregoing to love it, and we're really proud."

Afterthe race, Brad took Knox to meet and congratulate the winner, Italy’sValentino Rossi before posing for some photos.

Brad and Knox posed with the Valentino Rossie Photo: Getty Images

Thisisn't the first time the Jolie-Pitt family has been in the U.K. recently. Bradand Angelina had tea with Prince William and Kate Middleton in June where a KensingtonPalace spokesperson told HELLO! at the time, "They discussed their sharedinterest in combatting the illegal wildlife trade."

The busy couple is set to release their highly anticipated newfilm By the Sea later this fall, which Angelina and her real-lifehusband portray an unhappy couple on the brink of breaking up.