
Tracy Morgan breaks silence since car crash: 'I can't believe I'm here'


Tracy Morgan finally broke his silence on Monday — almost a yearafter being in a car accident that left him in a coma and killed his friendJames McNair. The comedian became emotional as he opened up to Matt Lauerexclusively on TODAY less than a week after settling a lawsuit against Walmartover the June 7, 2014 crash.

"Thecase is settled, but the pain is always going to be there for Jimmy Mac," Tracy said in his first interview since the deadly car crash. "Bones heal, butthe loss of my friend will never heal."

Tracy Morgan broke his silence almost a year after being involved in a car crash Photo: Getty Images

The30 Rock star along with several friends were returning from a performance in Delaware when their limousine was rear-ended by a Walmart truck on the New JerseyTurnpike. Tracy broke his leg, several ribs and endured severe brain trauma andis still recovering form his injuries. "There are times where I have mygood day and my bad days, where I forget things," he said still holding acane. "There are times where I get the headaches and the nose bleeds. Iwon't even let my lady know because I don't want her to be worried aboutit."

Tracyadmitted he doesn't remember the accident and his first memory is waking up tosee the faces of his son and fiancée. "I can't believe I'm here. I can'tbelieve I'm in front of you," the 46-year-old shared while tearing up."I can't believe I'm just here, and just seeing the tragedy that happened.It touches me."

Tracy said he first remembered seeing his fiancée Megan Wollover after the accident Photo: Getty Images

Theactor, who had his lawyer by his side, thanked the doctors for helping him torecover and also took time to thank his family, the bystanders on the highwayand his 30 Rock co-star Tina Fey for keeping him going in his darkest hour. "I'vebeen down — they keep my spirits up," he added.

Asidefrom his devastating injuries, it was the loss of his friend that Tracyadmitted hurts the most. "He was a close friend of mine, a comrade incomedy," the comedian explained. "He was a loving man, and he was a warmman. He was a good man. It's just hard for me to see that he's gone."

Tracydidn't learn about James' death until he emerged from a coma two weeks afterthe crash and began to watch YouTube videos of both the accident and hisfriend's funeral. "I had to know what happened to my friend," achoked up Tracy revealed. "I had to know. I had to pay my respects, andthat was my way."

The comedian said he watched videos of his friend's funeral Photo: Getty Images

Tracyis finally getting some closure to this horrific event. It was announced lastweek that Walmart settled a lawsuit filed by the actor statingthat Walmart truck driver, Kevin Roper, had not slept for more than 24 hoursand was driving 20 miles over the speed limit at the time of the accident. "Walmartstepped up to the plate in a tremendous way," he commended the company. "Theytook full responsibility."

Thoughstill focusing on his recovering, Tracy sounded hopeful and adamant that hewould return to comedy. "I love comedy. I'll never stop loving her. I lovecomedy and I can't wait to get back to her," he added. "But right now, my goal is just to heal and get better because I'm not 100 percent yet, I'm not.And when I'm there, you'll know it. I'll get back to making you laugh. Ipromise you."

Watch Tracy's interview below: