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Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson breaks world record for most selfies


You would think Kim Kardashian holdsthe world record for the most selfies considering she has a book about them, but it's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson who is the selfie champ aftersnapping a staggering 105 selfies in three minutes.

The busy actor decided to have somefun at the London premiere of his new film San Andreas by having fans line upon the red carpet one at a time and take a selfie with him as the adjudicator from Guinness World Recordswatched. Each photo had to be in focus showing the full face and neck ofeach participant in order to be counted toward the record.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson broke the world record for the most selfies taken in three minutes Photo: Twitter/@therock

After a staggering amount of fans camethrough, 105 of the pictures were accepted, and the Rock announcedthey had accomplished their goal. "I have just broken the Guinness Book WorldRecord for the most selfies of all time," he yelled to a crowd ofscreaming fans while doing a video selfie. "London, wedid it!"

The wrestler-turned-actor posted avideo of his victory on Instagram Friday.“We just set a NEW GUINNESS WORLD RECORDfor most self-portraits (selfies) taken in record time (yup, a selfie worldrecord exists and your arm gets a helluva workout),” he wrote in the caption.

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Aside from setting world records, theHercules star received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and also officiated a marriage while on the promotional tour for his latestfilm. Along with the help of friends, he surprised superfan Nick Mundy byplanning an impromptu wedding for him and acting as the officiant. The 43-year-old conspired with Screen Junkies, where Nick is acorrespondent, to trick the comedian into believing he was interviewing Dwayneduring the actor's San Andreas press junket, but instead was legallymarried to his fianceé, Dilara Karabas.

Watch the hilarious video of the surprise wedding below:

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's Wedding Surprise!

"My first thought was, 'Oh s---, oh s---. I hopeDilara is cool with this,' " Nick told The HollywoodReporter. "The second one was, 'I have hat hair, I'msweating and wearing American flag pants.' "

Is there anything the Rock can't do?