
Amy Poehler: It's 'weird' working in male-dominated entertainment industry


Amy Poehler is one of Hollywood's biggestcomedians, but in a new interview she revealed she still has to deal with beinga woman in a male-dominated field and her insecurities in the business world. The working mom of two sons hopes to make stridesfor women in the field, but admits to feeling uncomfortable at times.

"Ihave these meetings with really powerful men, and they ask me, 'Where areyour kids? Are your kids here?' It's such a weird question," she told Fast Company magazine. "Never in a million years do I ask guys where theirkids are. It would be comparable to me going to a guy, 'Do you feel like yousee your kids enough?'"

Amy said she struggles being a woman in a male-dominated field Photo: Getty Images

While clearly holding her own in theindustry, the 43-year-old said that she often acts like a man when conductingbusiness. "I oftenlook to men to model behavior," she added. "Not because I want tosquelch what's feminine about me, but because sometimes I want a littlemore action, a little less feeling in my interactions."

Clearly, what the Parks and Recreationstar is doing is working. She's not only starred in TV shows and written abest-selling memoir, but is also the head of Paper Kite Productions, working todevelop new shows and talent. "I love the big thinking that comes alongwith it, the macro of it all," she said of producing and helping otherpeople find their voice. "It feels like it’s been a really nice, natural,long progression for me to go from being the person who’s been the jester inthe room to being secure enough to be a creator for people other thanmyself."

The comedian is often surrounded by men when conducting business Photo: Getty Images

The blonde beauty credits her successto her improvisation background and learning to say, "yes" toeverything. "There’s a thing in improv called the 'Yes, and’ rule," added Amy's Parks co-star Aubrey Plaza. "It means that if you’re in a scene with someone and they setup a premise, you have to say ‘yes’ and go along with it. Amy has let the ‘Yes,and’ rule bleed into her daily life. She never shuts you down. She alwayslistens and wants to hear what you have to say. But at the same time, she knowswhat she wants. And you always feel very safe having her in charge, becausethere’s just this underlying sense that she can steer you in the rightdirection."

Amy had two kids with ex-husband Will Arnett before splitting last year Photo: Getty Images

Despite her overwhelming success, Amysaid it was her failures that have helped shaped her as a comedian andbusinesswoman. "I’ve failed a million times on stage, just not gettinglaughs," said Amy. "I’ve listened to notes that I knew weren’t right.I’ve pitched ideas and let other people change them, knowing that it was thewrong choice. The question you have to ask yourself is: How do you want tofail? Do you want to fail in a way that feels like it respects your tastes andvalue system?"