
'Insurgent' star Shailene Woodley: 'I’m all-loving'


Shailene Woodley loves hardand she isn’t afraid to let the world know. “I’m all-loving,” she says in theApril issue of ELLE. “I fall in love with people based on who they are.”

The busy 23-year-old actress, who can be seen next in Insurgent alongside Kate Winslet, Theo James and Ansel Elgort, continues as she holds her arms out demonstrating, “I never want to love like this.” Shailene then goes on to thrust her arms behind her back, “I always want to love like this.”

Shailene shows off her toned figure in Mugler Photo: Michael Thompson for ELLE

Known for her great hugs,it is no wonder these are her sentiments. “Heart centered, like, ‘This is who I am! And I love you ifyou love me for who this person is,” she explains. “And if not, I’ll still loveyou, but I ain’t fallin’ in love withyou!’”

And though shejust smiled when asked if she is currently in love, her approach to exactlythat is perfect. She says: “When you’re truly in love,for me, it’s...you’re my lighthouse! You’re somebody who holds me high, keepsme safe, you’ve got my f--kin’ back.... You also love me whole, wild, and free.You let me do me, and I’m gonna let you do you! And I’ll be the home that youreturn to.”

Growing up in Simi Valley,California, the Divergent star credits her family for this foundation. Eventhough her parents are divorced, they get along. “I was born into a family ofwarriors, really strong people,” she mentions. “I have a family who every daystrives to do the right thing.”

Shailene with costar Theo James on the Wednesday's London carpet Photo: Getty Images

One family member inparticular who holds a big place in Shailene’s heart is her grandmother. “Oneday I was having one of my teenage crises, when you think everything’s fallingapart — your estrogen and progesterone are freaking out,” she states. “And shesaid, ‘Shai, the most important thing in life is self-love. You’ve gotta takecare of yourself. You’ve got to take care of yourself, and you gotta live fromyour deep heart.’”

That saying stuck with herand for Shailene, the meaning is simple. “What I’ve come to determine in mylife is that my deep heart is my — it’s my compassion, empathy and intuition.”

The always smiley anddown-to-earth brunette adds: “Because your intuition never wants to be mean tosomebody. You intuitively know that another human being on this planet ishurting just as badly as you may be. The way that they express themselves couldbe rude or seen as douchey or whatnot. But maybe they’re scared, or had no onethere to support them.”

Photo: Michael Thompson for ELLE

Shailene had and still hasher grandma. She says with a bright expression, “My Grams is the most banging69-year-old I’ve ever met in my life. She’s so fit. She’s so rad!”

For the full story,please pick up the April issue of ELLE.