Long, full lashes are an essential part of your glam for New Year’s Eve, but if you aren’t a fan of lash extensions or strip lashes and instead want to go au naturel, you’ll want to start prepping your lashes as soon as right now.
With that in mind, the lash experts at Nouveau Lashes shared with HOLA! USA six fundamental changes you can make to your beauty routine to grow long, luscious lashes — the countdown is on.

Natural ingredients
Using natural ingredients is a great way to improve your lash health and growth because many natural products have nutritional qualities. Castor oil and coconut oil are the two most commonly-used natural ingredients for eyelash growth and rejuvenation.
Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which can benefit lash growth in many ways. It hydrates the lashes, keeps them healthy, and works as an anti-inflammatory, soothing the skin and hair follicles.
Coconut oil also works similarly to castor oil, nourishing the eyelashes and keeping them moisturized and healthy. Still, it also contains antioxidants preventing skin and hair follicles from inflaming.

Lash enhancing serum
Lash serums are another great way to help strengthen your natural lashes and improve their overall length and volume. Debbie Law , International Lash Trainer for Nouveau Lashes, says: “When choosing a lash serum, it’s essential to ensure that the serum not only has effective ingredients but is also safe and contains essential vitamins and ingredients that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Enhancing lash serums such as the “Enhance Lash Serum” has proven to be very safe. It will also give you results in as little as 30 days, thanks to its multifunctional protein and anti-pollution ingredients that work to strengthen the lashes from the inside.

Remove eye makeup every day / keep it minimal
Falling asleep with eye makeup on can be harmful to your lashes, causing them to become weak and brittle. That’s why it’s essential to remove your makeup and have the right tools and method for the job at the end of the day. Start by applying a gentle makeup remover to a cotton pad or a soft muslin cloth, and remove the eye makeup from the lashes in a sweeping downward motion.
Usually, applying eye makeup or mascara isn’t the cause of damage to your lashes; however, the more mascara you use, the harder it is to remove — so keeping your eye makeup to a minimum is also a great way to protect your lashes.

Lash boosting mascara
A great way to create the wow factor of full, voluminous lashes without turning to strip lashes or extensions is to swap your regular mascara for a lash-boosting mascara that promotes growth.
Using serum-infused mascara is a great way to take care of your lashes daily when you apply your makeup, ensuring they are hydrated and getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. Like when choosing a lash-enhancing serum, you should also be selective when choosing an enhancing mascara.
Look out for the essential ingredients that will help your lashes to grow, or purchase the product from an expert brand in the eyelash industry, such as the Enhance Mascara from Nouveau Lashes or the Lash Perfect Enhancing Mascara.

Vitamins and Supplements
You can take many supplements to promote healthy hair growth for your lashes, including Biotin, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D.
- Biotin is an essential vitamin for the healthy growth of hair as it stimulates the production of the protein Keratin that strengthens and thickens your lashes.
Vitamin A
- Taking a Vitamin A supplement will ensure the body can produce important natural oils that add moisture to the body’s hair and prevent unwanted breakage.
Vitamin D
- Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient aiding in growing your lashes, as it can stimulate new hair follicles and improve hair growth.
- Iron is another essential mineral that carries oxygen through the body and is required to achieve healthy hair growth, including your lashes. Iron is stored in hair follicles, and if the body is deficient in the mineral, it can break the hair, become brittle, and fall out.

Brushing lashes with spoolie
A spoolie is a must-have in your makeup when it comes to taking care of your lashes. Brushing them daily with a spoolie will keep your lashes healthy by removing any dirt, leftover makeup, or dead skin cells sitting in your lashes.
You can also use the brush to separate and curl your lashes before applying your mascara, this will not only give your lashes some extra volume, but it’s an essential step to avoid clumpy-looking mascara.