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What is Glutathione: Expert reveal if getting skincare with this ingredient is beneficial

Dr. Nayan Patel, unpack everything you should know about glutathione

SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 1:46 PM EDT

Now and then, we find ourselves splurging on skincare with beneficial ingredients that go viral for their outstanding results. Whether it is hyaluronic acid or retinol, we constantly learn about molecules or science-created products that help us tackle specific skin concerns. On this occasion, let’s unpack everything you should know about glutathione.

What is glutathione skincare?

Glutathione skincare is a type of skincare that contains glutathione (GSH). Glutathione is a molecule in every cell, which works as a potent detoxifier and protector of cellular function. Nicknamed the “mother” or “master” antioxidant, it can help protect us from the harmful effects of oxidative stress, which is linked to many skin issues like acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, age spots, blemishes, sunspots, redness, inflammation, wrinkles, fine lines, and more.

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According to Dr. Nayan Patel, founder of Auro Wellness and author of The Glutathione Revolution, who strongly advocates glutathione’s benefits for skin: “As a key component to the continuous regeneration of healthy skin, glutathione plays a critical protective role. It works at regulating skin pigment, improving elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and fighting against aging.”

So, who doesn’t want glowing, healthy skin?

Well, here’s one more reason to start using glutathione regularly. Super antioxidant glutathione has numerous health benefits, one of which is the contribution to healthy skin.

Glutathione offers many benefits for skincare

Boosting Skin Health
  • Glutathione is responsible for disarming free radicals, recycling other antioxidants, and encouraging cell turnover and collagen production. Thus our skin is better able to heal from the damage caused by UV rays, environmental toxins, and aging.
Preventing or Reversing Signs of Skin Aging
  • Many products claim to help hide or treat things like forehead wrinkles, age spots, or sagging skin. But they do nothing to treat one of the leading causes of skin aging: oxidative stress. By limiting free radical activity, glutathione lowers oxidative stress and promotes healing. This protects skin elasticity, firmness, and plumpness, preventing signs of premature aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.
Brightening Overall Skin Tone and Trouble Spots
  • Another sign of oxidative stress is dull, dry skin. Since it’s one of the body’s main detoxifiers, glutathione plays a vital role in creating a smoother and brighter skin appearance. GSH also blocks the activities of tyrosinase, the enzyme that produces melanin. Research shows this is an effective way to lighten dark spots from age, blemishes, or scars.
Improving Symptoms and Appearance of Acne and Other Issues
  • Acne and rosacea are some of the most common skin complaints. Studies suggest that severe acne is linked with lower GSH and higher oxidative stress, while people with rosacea use a great deal of GSH. As with skin aging, increasing glutathione fights these problems at their source, improving skin function and appearance from the inside out. Even severe skin diseases like psoriasis show symptom improvement after supplementing amino acids, the building blocks of glutathione.

What are the best glutathione skin care products?

In recent years, more and more glutathione skin care products have hit the market. However, not all glutathione products are created the same. The best glutathione products come in a form that’s small enough to pass through the skin’s protective barrier.

This type of glutathione uses sub-nanotechnology to deliver a highly absorbable form of reduced L-glutathione, which enables the glutathione molecule to absorb intact into your skin. Only a few companies offer this technology for glutathione, and only one company, Auro Skincare, offers this technology for glutathione skincare.

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This first-of-its-kind G Antioxidant Revitalization Serum marks a revolutionary shift in modern skincare, by offering a high-potency concentration of Glutathione that is absorbed through the skin using patented, Auro GSH technology.

Before now, it has not been possible to deliver Glutathione to skin efficiently and effectively. Today, using this new technology, the serum transports the antioxidant to the inner layers of your skin in a way that is absorbable for maximum benefits.