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Cellulite removal radio frequency© Canva

Can cellulite be eliminated permanently? 10 ways to keep it under control

The most sought-after solutions

JULY 16, 2022 9:24 AM EDT

Statistics show 9 out of 10 women suffer from cellulite, so most mere mortals need to find a way to eliminate it. In pursuit of this goal, some of us spend hours in the gym, buy cosmetics or undergo specialized treatments to combat so-called 'orange peel skin.’ According to experts, it's practically impossible to eliminate cellulite. However, you can reduce it and improve the look of problem areas.

There are a few techniques you can try to stop cellulite from taking over your stomach, buttocks, hips and legs:

1. Drink lots of water. Two to three liters per day.

2. Watch your diet: reduce salt intake to avoid retaining fluid. Eat more vegetables, protein and good fats. Steer clear of fries, flour, sodas, processed sugars and junk food.

cellulite removal water© Canva
Drink lots of water to help flush out toxins

3. Exercise: this causes your body to burn fat and eliminate fluid and toxins. And toned muscles also mean smoother-looking skin, which helps hide those unpleasant dimples and lumps.

4. Use anti-cellulite products: there are loads on the market to choose from. However, there are three ingredients that deserve a medal for their cellulite-fighting properties: caffeine, green tea, and centella asiatica.

coffee scrubs© Canva
Reduce the appearance of cellulite with coffee scrubs

5. There are even those who recommend consuming both green tea and centella asiatica as natural diuretics that help improve skin condition.

Once you've put these tips into practice, it's time to apply direct corrective measures to your skin. Since not every treatment is effective for every woman, you may need to try a variety before you find the right one for you. Some of the most common are:

6. Body frequency radio systems: in addition to helping with sagging, this method acts on subcutaneous tissue and improves circulation by means of deep, controlled heating. The technique is non-invasive and painless and helps the body eliminate those toxins it can't get rid of on its own and that are stored as fat.

Cellulite removal radio frequency© Canva
Body frequency radio systems are non invasive treatment for cellulite

7. Vacuum therapy: this French technique acts by applying suction to the skin, using specially designed equipment to administer a 'vacuum massage.' Each suction head is designed to drain a specific area. Although this has been in use since the 1990s, the instruments are updated and improved all the time, and so become more effective.

8. Carboxytherapy is a subcutaneous treatment using medicinal carbon dioxide and electronic equipment that administers subdermal injections to destroy fat cells.

9. Anti-cellulite methods and lymphatic drainage are very popular in the fight against cellulite. They provide temporary solutions to improve tissue texture and firmness but are not permanent and repeat sessions are required over time.

As well as the lifestyle tips we already mentioned, there a few other important things to remember:

10. Wear looser clothes. Clothes that are very tight on the body prevent good circulation, which makes dimples look worse.

Cellulite can appear on men with obesity issues, and women regardless of their weight. It's impossible to completely eradicate, but you can significantly reduce and conceal it by following a few tips for a healthy lifestyle.