Elsa Pataky fitness© Getty Images

Elsa Pataky’s guide to the perfect glutes

These are the star's 8 exercises for a beautifully boosted bottom

NOVEMBER 24, 2019 9:39 AM EST
Elsa Pataky glute leg lift© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky glute leg lift

Wanting to sculpt and define glutes is one the requests that personal trainers and fitness experts get the most. So finding out what experts consider the best exercises to tone glutes is always enlightening. Spanish actress Elsa Pataky is the latest celebrity to unveil her fitness secrets and give us an insight into the best way to strengthen and firm the lower body. 

Glute leg lift

(Also known as a single leg bridge).

Carefully lift into the bridge position and raise your right leg. Repeat with your left leg for 20 seconds. This exercise will strengthen glutes and hamstrings.

RELATED: 8 exercises to get a 10 out of 10 derriere

© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky leg lifts

Do the same exercise with the other leg

Stretch out with your back straight and your arms extended on either side of your body, bend your legs and lift your hips. From this starting position lift your left leg completely. Then slowly and continually raise and lower your waist and butt for 20 seconds.​ Repeat with right leg.

© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky exercises - dumbbells


A full-body workout! Arms and shoulders can benefit from this and performing dumbbell deadlifts will help you firm your legs and glutes, too. Remember that you should stretch but not hyperextend your arms – keep a slight bend. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. And always keep your back straight and abdominals engaged. Do this for 20 seconds.

© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky fitness - lunges

Lunges with dumbbells

Standing up with your back straight, abdominals engaged and a dumbbell in each hand, take a long step forward. The knee and thigh that go forward should be parallel to the floor, while the rear leg should be bent, almost touching the ground. 

Maintain upright posture. The reps should be done for 20 seconds. Repeat on both sides. 

© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky realiza sentadilla con salto

Squat Jumps

Elsa knows how to get the most out of the TRX and thereby increasing the difficulty – and effectiveness – of her squat jumps. It’s already common knowledge that squats and all their variations are key for a good derriere. When using the suspension strap, be sure to keep it stretched out during the exercise. If you don’t have the strap, simply do the squat jump and keep your arms raised.  They’ll be 40 exhausting seconds, but the results will be worth it.

© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky exercise ball

Ball for hamstrings

Do you remember the half-bridge from the first exercise? You’ll now do that again, but this time supporting your feet on an exercise ball. Place both feet on the ball, extend and bend your legs to roll the ball back and forth for 40 seconds.


© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky squats

Squats with resistance bands and side-stepping

Squats are the most effective exercise to make your gluteal muscles “burn.” To make them more effective and difficult, try this out: take a resistance band and place it halfway up your legs, slightly above your knees. Lower yourself as if you were going to sit down, take a step to the side, and repeat.  Remember to do both sides and hold for 20 seconds between each step.

© @elsapatakyconfidential

Elsa Pataky resistance band

Glute kickback with resistance band

Stand facing a wall and stabilize yourself by holding onto the wall, keeping your arms at shoulder-level. Place the band halfway up your calves, lift a leg as if trying to kick backwards. The aim is to do four sets of 20 seconds with the right leg and 20 seconds with the left.  Playing motivational music while exercising is always a good tip!

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