story of the week

Claire helped to distribute these
sacks of seeds provided by the
British Red Cross

The star of 'Casualty'
visits Mozambique with the Red Cross and talks about her love for co-star Jonathan Kerrigan

One of the most enduring stories of the horrific floods in the African country of Mozambique was that of Rosita, the little girl born in a tree while the flooded Limpopo river swirled beneath her and her mother Sofia Pedro. And Casualty star Claire Goose does not disagree. “Rosita personalised the disaster for many people in Britain. Her birth was like a miracle,” reckons the 25-year-old actress.

When Claire was invited to Mozambique by the British Red Cross, to see the disaster first-hand, she did not hesitate. And, far from worrying if a nail broke, she spent the three days distributing aid, planting crops and learning about the hidden danger of landmines, calling her visit, “a humbling experience.”

Claire, who, although no longer in Casualty, will be on our screens this summer, in the thriller Waking The Dead, talked about her love for Jonathan Kerrigan, who played gay nurse Sam Colloby in the Bristol-based series. “I never thought about Jon in that way at first, mainly because he was seeing someone else. Then one night we got together and it shocked the hell out of both of us.” The two now share a house in Bristol and, although Jon is quite anti-marriage, the two have discussed having children together. “He is my soul mate,” confesses the petite blonde, shyly.

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story of the week

Not scared of hard work, the Casualty actress
lends a hand with the planting of crops

story of the week

Travelling up the Buzi river by boat was,
Claire felt, the most significant point of the
trip to Mozambique