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Princess Margaret, radiant in silver,
arrives at the Ritz to celebrate her 70th birthday

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The Queen was laden down with
diamonds and got a rousing cheer as
she left the Ritz at around midnight

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Margaret’s daughter Lady
Sarah Chatto shimmers in sequins
Surrounded by her family and dearest friends


Princess Margaret celebrated her 70th birthday and her reutrn to health as she joined 140 friends and family for a glittering dinner party at London’s Ritz hotel, organised by her son, David Linley. Margaret, wearing a striking silver silk evening dress and coat, arrived with her daughter-in-law Serena Linley and was greeted affectionately by David as she alighted from her Rolls Royce. She confidently climbed the six stairs to the restaurant unaided.

Her sister the Queen, guest of honour, was accompanied by Prince Philip and looked elegant in a pink silk dress with pleated skirt and a fabulous diamond necklace. She was greeted by the hotel’s general manager, who escorted her inside where she joined the other guests in the restaurant.
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Serena in an exquisite embroidered
silver dress
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The room, set out with dozens of small tables, had been lavishly decorated with banks of pink roses, Margaret’s favourite flowers. Accompanying Margaret was her daughter Lady Sarah Chatto, dressed in a pale blue chiffon dress and shawl shimmering with silver sequins, and daughter-in-law Serena in an exquisite embroidered silver dress. Absent from the party was the Queen Mother, who was still in Scotland.

Guests included the Duke of Marlborough, Lord Glenconner, Dame Cleo Laine and her husband John Dankworth plus saxophone. The two entertained guests after dinner by performing some of the Princess’ favourite songs. Others present included Roddy Llewellyn, Lord Lichfield and ballerina Darcey Bussell who, earlier in the week, danced for the Princess at a Birthday Offering Gala in her honour at Sadler’s Wells.

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