story of the week

Tom spends an hour outside the Odeon
mingling with his 3,000 fans, signing
autographs and even chatting to one fan’s
mum on her mobile phone

story of the week

Tom poses with his M:i-2 co-star
Thandie Newton who is in the last stages
of pregnancy. Tom describes her as
“devilishly sexy, with incredible charm
and exciting talent”

story of the week

Tom is a perfectionist whose motto is to
“do everything well”. So he wasn’t about to
shirk performing the stunts in his latest film
because “I don’t like to deceive the
cinema-going public”
As M:i-2 premieres in Britain its star tells why family life will now always be his greatest thrill

Tom Cruise will receive an estimated £75 million for the Mission:Impossible sequel, so high spirits were definitely in order when he descended on Leicester Square for the film’s premiere, and spent as long as an hour with fans before entering the auditorium — “I just like people”, explained the star.

There’s no doubt the feeling’s mutual. Unlike many of his peers, Tom has not only survived but thrived during two decades in a business well-known for chewing people up and spitting them out. As fulfilled in his private life as in his work, he and his wife of ten years, Nicole Kidman, form a formidable team. They caused waves last year when they co-starred in Stanley Kubrick’s last movie, the provocative Eyes Wide Shut. Off-screen, they have become Hollywood’s golden couple who not only seem devoted to each other but also to their two adopted children, Isabella, six, and Connor, four.

story of the week

After a while dealing with the crowd alone,
Tom joined forces with old pal Russell Crowe
who’s star is definately in the ascendant

“I have always wanted to be a father,” Tom tells HELLO!. “For a long time my career came first, but now my family comes before everything. In order for me to feel good I need them around me.”

Tom’s main goal in life nowadays is “never to make my wife or children suffer”, and few could doubt the sincerity of his words. Serious about everything he does, from acting to mountain climbing, Tom claims, “Nicole and I are forever. Since we married ten years ago we’ve stayed totally in love with each other and haven’t spent more than ten days apart.”

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