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Proud new parents Will and Lisa with
six-week-old Jack William Carling, who was
born by Caesarean section and wieghed in
at 6lb 9oz.

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Will is enjoying being a very
hands-on dad. He says when the
second baby comes along, you’re
more prepared for the impact
he’ll have on your lives. “I love
holding Jack,” he says. “I also love
watching him with Lisa”
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Jack’s beamed nursery is full of teddies
Lisa has collected over the years.
A pillow in his wooden cot bears the motto
“Anyone can be a father. It takes someone
special to be a Daddy”



If babies came labelled like luggage, Jack William Carling’s label would surely have read “All’s well that ends well”. Former rugby star Will Carling and his second wife Lisa see their baby boy, now six weeks old, as “a touchstone” of their togetherness. Gone are the early, beleaguered days of their love affair when the tabloids denounced Will for walking out on Ali Cockayne, mother of his first son Henry (now three). Faded, if not forgotten, are the ‘Love Rat’ condemnations, the spiced-up, often one-sided revelations of Will’s failed first marriage to TV presenter Julia and his friendship with Diana, Princess of Wales.

Times have moved on and so - judging by the Carlings’ sweet commitment to one another and Will’s proud practical parenting - should popular opinion. No visitor to the Carling’s pretty house in a Surrey village could doubt the fact for a moment now, as the larger-than-life ex-England captain touchingly massages his new son’s head and stomach (“I learned how from our visiting lady masseuse”) and later gives Jack his bottle.

These are weeks to hold on to and savour, as Will and Lisa told HELLO! in this exclusive interview. “Jack’s a very contented baby,” says Lisa. “He has two very contented parents,” says Will.

The interview reveals how filming the Caesarean delivery helped Will cope with the crude reality of the scalpel. The happy parents also talk of how they are going to cope with leaving Jack at home while they go off on Safari in Africa. Will also talks about whether or not Jack will become a sporting champ himself.

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